religious jokes

Category: "Religious Jokes"
2 votes

A Methodist minister meets three Baptist deacons on the golf course and invites them to come to his church some Sunday. Not too many weeks thereafter and just as services are starting, they show up.
Attendance was good in the small Methodist church and there wasn't a pew available. Several church members were already seated on folding chairs.

When the minister, just starting the service, saw the three Baptist deacons enter, he leaned down from the pulpit and whispered to the nearest usher, "Please get three chairs for my Baptist friends in the back."

The usher, hard of hearing, leaned closer and said, "I beg your pardon?"

"Get three chairs for my Baptist friends," repeated the minister. The usher strained closer with a puzzled look still on his face.

Once more the minister tried, speaking slowly, "Three chairs for the Baptists," he enunciated.

The usher's face lit up he turned to face the congregation. "All right, everybody," he called out. "Three cheers for the Baptists!"

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
$9.00 won 2 votes

When my son was 4, I was in a Women's Bible Study group. They had classes for children as well, while we studied in our groups. One day, as my son and I were walking to our car, he said to me, "Mom, I'm not going to sin anymore."

You can imagine my pride at hearing this. Then I got to wondering why he said this, so I asked him.

His answer was quick: "Jesus said if you don't sin, you can throw the first stone, and I want to throw the first stone."

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
0 votes

Who were the two shortest people in the Bible?

Nehemiah and Bildad the Shuhite!

0 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
2 votes

Two nuns were driving alone out in a rural area. They ran out of gas. Fortunately they could walk to a gas station not far away, where they asked to purchase a can of gasoline.

"I'm sorry, sister," said the attendant, "but all I have for you to carry it in is an old chamberpot." The nuns agreed that this would be fine.

They returned to the car. As they were pouring the gasoline into the tank, a man drove by, stopped his car, and said, "Oh sister, if only I had your faith."

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |