Best Jokes

$9.00 won 2 votes

The math teacher was giving a lesson on fractions and wrote an example on the chalkboard. He explained that the numerator was the top and the denominator was the bottom. Leaning against the board, he asked the class, "Are there any questions?"

When he turned back to face the board, laughter filled the room. "Mr. Alexander," one student giggled, "you have chalk dust all over your denominator!"

2 votes

CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
2 votes

A physicist, a mathematician and a computer scientist discuss what is better: a wife or a girlfriend.

The physicist: "A girlfriend. You still have freedom to experiment."

The mathematician: "A wife. You have security."

The computer scientist: "Both. When I'm not with my wife, she thinks I'm with my girlfriend. With my girlfriend it's vice versa. Then I can be with my computer without anyone disturbing me." 

2 votes

posted by "tweetyr" |
2 votes

Why does Mozart hate chickens?

They always say, "Bach, Bach, Bach!"

2 votes

posted by "Tnevs" |
2 votes

Can February March?

Don't know, but April May.

2 votes

posted by "srinu" |