Best Jokes

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Rob and Joyce meet in college and soon after fall in love and get married.

Several years later Joyce has a tragic bobsledding accident and dies.

Rob is devastated and lives alone for several years.

After several more years he meets another lady and her name is Joyce.

They get married and what did Rob do???

He reJoyced!!!

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "jeff99" |
0 votes

A woman visited a modern-art gallery. One painting was bright blue with vivid orange swirls and the one hanging next to it was black with lime-green splotches.

The artist stood nearby, so as politely as she could, the woman said to him, "I'm sorry, but I just don't understand you paintings."

"I paint what I feel inside me," the artist replied.

"I see," the woman replied innocently. "Have you tried Alka-Seltzer?"

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CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "outward" |
0 votes

Little Kelvin's darkest day was when he was asked by his mathematics teacher to solve a problem on the board. The question was asking for the answer to 2+3.

He knew he couldn't solve that so he glanced towards his bright friend for help. His friend willing to help but fearing to speak out loud, showed him his palm as a silent indication to the answer.

So little Kelvin drew the palm.

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CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "Franklyn Wesley" |
0 votes

We all know that the Super Bowl is the football game with the AFC champion playing the NFC champion.

There should be a Toilet Bowl where the worst team in each conference plays each other, where the winning team gets the first round draft pick and/or a plunger shaped trophy.

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |