Best Jokes

$5.00 won 3 votes

What kind of phone does an optometrist have?

An “Eye Phone”!

3 votes

posted by "Heandshenanigans" |
$12.00 won 3 votes

The word ‘Diputseromneve’ may look ridiculous.

But backwards it’s even more stupid.

3 votes

posted by "Ryan Faidley" |
3 votes

A youngster was being shown a new baby who was very bald.

"Where did he come from?" he asked.

"From Heaven," replied a nurse.

Turning to his mother, the boy said, "Gee, they cut hair close in heaven, don't they?"

3 votes

posted by "Arthur Art Will Williams" |
3 votes

The hand that rocks the cradle usually is attached to someone who isn't getting enough sleep!

3 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |