Latest Jokes

$6.00 won 3 votes

A new student at Harvard stopped an upperclassman and asked, "Where's the library at?"

The upperclassman said, "Never end a sentence with a preposition. Cops do it on TV, but it isn't proper, so to speak."

The new student said, "Pardon me. Where's the library at, MORON?"

3 votes

CATEGORY College Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
2 votes

There are different types of country dancing.... square, round and line.

No one ever told me you need a year of geometry before you can learn to dance!

2 votes

posted by "jermin" |
1 votes

What did the guy say after he fell in a box of seaweed?

"Kelp Me! Kelp Me!"

1 votes

posted by "Robert Hill" |
1 votes

To the irritation of the judge, a man was trying to be excused from jury duty. "Tell me," began the judge, "is there any good reason why you cannot serve as a juror in the trial?"

The man replied, "I don't want to be away from my job that long."

"Can't they do without you at work?" demanded the judge.

"Yes," admitted the juror. "But I don't want them to realize it."

1 votes

CATEGORY Judge Jokes
posted by "CPipe" |