Latest Jokes

2 votes

Q: What do you call a cat that drinks your lemonade?

A: A Sour Puss

2 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Dreamer" |
2 votes

I have found myself a new exciting hobby.
I go out in my car in the morning to the nearest Highway and sit with my window open and a hairdryer pointed out of the window.

It's amazing how all the cars slow down!

2 votes

CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "Les Smedley" |
1 votes

Q: How much does it cost a pirate to get ear rings?
A: A Buck-an-ear.

1 votes

posted by "Jon Good" |
1 votes

Q: Why would they not let the Pirate into the theater?
A: Because it was rated rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

1 votes

posted by "Jon Good" |