Latest Jokes

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The patient: Tell me, is it true that alcohol decreases blood pressure?
Doctor: Yes, that is true.
P: And, is it true that coffee increases blood pressure?
D: Yes, that is also true.
P: So, in average, I live normally.

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posted by "Damir Sovic" |
0 votes

Q. What is a conservative?
A. A conservative is an X-liberal that got mugged.

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posted by "Antonio DaSilva" |
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A woman went in to cash a check at a currency exchange
The clerk asked her: "What type of check is this?"
The lady responded: "An unemployment check."
The clerk responded: "Oh well; then we will need a work number on here for verification".

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posted by "Melinda M." |
0 votes

A man walks into a bar with a Giraffe, and sits down at the bar. He says to the barman, "One pint for me and ten for the Giraffe". The barman gives the man and the Giraffe their drinks and then the Giraffe downs them all in on go. The Giraffe then says, "More"
The barman give the Giraffe ten more pint the same. The Giraffe does the same thing again, and downs them all at once. The Giraffe then collapses on the floor and the man gets up to walk out. The barman says, "you can't leave that 'lying' here", and the man says,” It’s not a Lyon, It's a Giraffe"!

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posted by "Miceton." |