Latest Jokes

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Old Granny Parkinson had won over half a million dollars in the lottery, but as she was a frail little woman her family was concerned that the shock of hearing the news might prove too much for her. Accordingly, they called in the family doctor to ask his advice.
“I’ll tell her if you like,” said the doctor. “I’ll lead up to it gradually.” The family accepted his offer gratefully, and showed him into the old lady’s bedroom. The doctor pretended to give her a routine examination and then began to chat generally of this and that, carefully leading the conversation ‘round to money. “Tell me Mrs. Parkinson,” he said, “what would you do if you suddenly came into half a million dollars?”
“Half a million?” said the old lady reflectively, “well you’ve always been very good to me, doctor, so I think I’d give half of it to you.”
And the doctor immediately collapsed and died of shock.

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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“What are you learning at school now, Sue? Asked her Granny.
“French, German, and we’ve just started Algebra.”
“Really?” said the old lady, impressed. “I used to learn French and German but
I have never heard anyone speak Algebra.”

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CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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There was a young woman who was very much interested in marrying this wealthy
Old gentleman.
After he proposed, she suggested, “we might even have some children!”
The old gentleman replied, “Oh, no, my parents won’t let me.”
“What do you mean?” asked the young woman
“Who are your parents?” He replied, “Mother Nature and Father time.”

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CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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Look over there! Said the frightened skunk to his pal.
“There’s a human with a gun, and he’s getting closer and closer! What are we going to do?”
To which the second skink calmly replied, “Let us spray ….”

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |