Past Winners

1/2/2020 To 1/9/2020
$6.00 won 10 votes

Little Johnny's homework assignment was about The War of 1776.

As Johnny was doing his homework he asked his father, "Who was it that said 'we haven't started to fight yet'?"

"A bride and groom, still on their honeymoon I guess," growled his dad.

10 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Benjones" |
1/2/2020 To 1/9/2020
$5.00 won 10 votes

The pastor and one of his deacons were walking to parking lot on a frosty day after church. The deacon slipped on the walkway and fell flat on his back.

The pastor, after being assured that the deacon was not injured said, "Friend, sinners stand on slippery places."

The deacon looked up as if to assure himself of the fact said, "I see they do, but I can't."

10 votes

posted by "maryjones" |
12/26/2019 To 1/2/2020
$50.00 won 9 votes

Shop assistant: How about this one?

Psychic: That shirt is too small.

Shop assistant: You didn't even try it on?

Psychic: I'm a medium.

9 votes

posted by "Gegg Smith" |
12/26/2019 To 1/2/2020
$25.00 won 3 votes

Two neighbors were talking about work, when one asked, "Say, why did the foreman fire you?"

Replied the second, "You know how a foreman is always standing around and watching others do the work? Well, my foreman got jealous. People started thinking I was the foreman."

3 votes

posted by "HENNE" |