kid jokes

Category: "Kid Jokes"
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Little Susie: Did you know carrots are really good for your eyes?

Little Ralph: How do you know that?

Little Susie: Well, have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?

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posted by "Douglas" |
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I was six years old when my daddy took me for my first airplane ride.

We boarded the plane and I got the window seat. After a short while I turned to daddy and exclaimed, "Daddy! We're so high up all the cars on the freeway down there look like ants."

Daddy moved over and looked out the window. After a moment he smiled and said, "Those are ants my dear, we haven't taken off yet."

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posted by "Douglas" |
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Six year old daughter: "Do you know what they called Batman and Robin after the Joker ran over them with a steam roller?"

Daddy: "No, what?"

Six year old daughter: "Flatman and Ribbon."

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posted by "Douglas" |
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I was driving down the road one day when I happened to see some kids with a lemonade stand. I stopped and found they had two bowls of ice cold lemonade. One was 75 cents a glass and the other was 25 cents a glass.

I asked for the 25 cents lemonade. I drank it all down and it was delicious. I asked what the difference was between bowls because the 25 cents lemonade was terrific.

The boys looked at each other then one of them said, "We're trying to get rid of that bowl of lemonade because a cat fell into it."

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posted by "Douglas" |