Best Jokes

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What did the two businessmen say to each other as they closed a deal during an earthquake?

"Let's shake on it!"

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CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Alan Valentine" |
0 votes

Two horse enthusiasts were having a conversation.

"I found a veterinarian that specializes in racehorses. Their legs and joints can get very tender and fragile as they get old. My 'ol Betsy is starting to have problems trotting."

"What's so great about this place?"

"They're professional, experienced, and they have extremely fast service."

"So what's this place called?"

"Po-Knee Express!"

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Alan Valentine" |
0 votes

Little Johnny asked his father, “Where did I get my intelligence from?”

His father replied, “It must be from your mother... because I still have mine.”

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "ERS" |
0 votes

The computer in my high school classroom recently started acting up. After watching me struggle with it, one of my students came up and took over. "Your hard drive crashed," he said.

I called the computer services office and explained, "My computer is down. The hard drive crashed."

"We can't just send people down on your say so. How do you know that's the problem"?

"A student told me," I answered.

"We'll send someone over right away."

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CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |