Best Jokes

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A baker stopped making donuts because he got tired of the hole thing.

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posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
0 votes

Our pastor, an avid golfer, was once taking part in a local tournament. As he was preparing to tee off, the organizer of the tournament approached him and pointed to the dark, threatening storm clouds, which were gathering around.

"Preacher," the organizer said, "I trust you'll see to it that the weather won't turn bad on us?"

Our pastor shook his head. "Sorry," he replied. "I'm sales, not management!"

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posted by "HENNE" |
0 votes

A wife once gave her husband the silent treatment for an entire week. She didn't say anything, she just put it into practice. She was hoping it would make him be more attentive to her and to their marriage.

At the end of the week she decided to bring up subject. "You notice anything different about us this past week?"

Without missing a beat, and without having a clue either, he replied. “Yeah, we’re getting along pretty great lately!”

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "ERS" |
0 votes

A cowboy adopted a dachshund...

... So he could get a long little doggie.

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posted by "wadejagz" |