Latest Jokes

1 votes

Interviewer: "Why did you leave your last job?"

Candidate: "There was a relocation."

Interviewer: "You moved?"

Candidate: "No, my company did. They just didn’t tell me where to."

1 votes

posted by "Nwosu Franklin" |
$5.00 won 2 votes

A man was waiting for a bus. When the bus arrived he asked the driver, "How much for the bus?"

The the driver replied, "It's one dollar."

The man said, "Get everyone out of the bus, I'll take it!"

2 votes

posted by "jose romo" |
2 votes

They really should stock ATM’s better.

I went to 5 different ones today and they all said insufficient funds.

2 votes

CATEGORY Money Jokes
posted by "Egbert" |
2 votes

Daughter: "Mom, can you lend me $100?"

Mother: "What? Do you think I have $50? Don't you know it's hard to earn $20? Even $10 I don't have. Luckily I keep $5 in my purse. How about I lend you $2?"

Daughter: "Give it to me quickly. It might come down to $1."

2 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "kjk" |