Latest Jokes

2 votes

My Dad and I were talking the other night about love and marriage.

He told me that he knew as early as their wedding what marriage to my mom would be like. It seems the minister asked my mom, "Do you take this man to be your husband?" and she said, "I do."

Then the minister asked my Dad, "Do you take this woman to be your wife?" and my mom said, "He does."

2 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
1 votes

Cindy is 5' 7" tall. She works in a butcher shop and wears size 7 shoes.

What does Cindy weigh?

Answer: Meat.

1 votes

posted by "Douglas" |
0 votes

Each day I try to enjoy something from each of the four food groups: the bonbon group, the salty-snack group, the caffeine group, and the "whatever-the-thing-in-the-tinfoil-in-the-back-of-the-fridge-is" group.

0 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
$15.00 won 5 votes

After his mother yelled at little Johnny, he retaliated, "Don't shout at me! I am not dad!"

5 votes

posted by "Kyoto" |