Latest Jokes

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A couple were travelling on a flight. An air hostess approaches the man, with an attractive lady following right behind her, and asks, "Sir, would you like an upgrade?"

He replied, "Oh yes, thank you."

The air hostess turns to his wife and says, "Get up, let her sit here."

1 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "Syed Ainul Hadi" |
$6.00 won 2 votes

A man walks into a bar, already drunk, and asks for a drink. "Sorry," the bartender says, "but you obviously already had a little too much to drink."

Fuming mad the man staggers out the front door and walks back in through the side door. “Can I have a drink please?”

“Sorry,” the bartender says, “but you can’t have a drink here.”

The man staggers out again and then stumbles his way back in through the back door. “Can I please have a drink?”

“Enough!” the bartender screamed. “I told you, no drinks!”

The man looks at the bartender closely and exclaims “Geez! How many bars do you work at?!"

2 votes

posted by "willyb1" |
1 votes

During a sixth grade sex education class, the young professor asked, "What happens to a young woman during puberty?"

There was no reply from her students, so she rephrased the question. "What happens to young women as they mature?"

One girl raised her hand and answered, “We start carrying purses?”

1 votes

posted by "ERS" |
1 votes

“Give me a sentence about a public servant,” the teacher instructed her third grade class.

“The fireman came down the ladder pregnant,” answered one little girl.

“Umm … Do you know what pregnant means?”

“Yes,” said the girl. “It means carrying a child.”

1 votes

posted by "ERS" |