Past Winners

7/17/2020 To 7/24/2020
$10.00 won 8 votes

Ms. Warner: "Well, how are you getting on in your new eight room house?"

Ms. Kyle: "Oh, not so badly. We furnished one of the bedrooms by collecting soap coupons."

Ms. Warner: "Didn't you furnished the other seven rooms?"

Ms. Kyle: "We can't. They are full of the soap."

8 votes

CATEGORY Money Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |
7/17/2020 To 7/24/2020
$9.00 won 5 votes

I had been doing Tech Support for Hewlett-Packard's DeskJet division for about a month when I had a customer call with a problem I just couldn't solve. She could not print yellow. All the other colors would print fine, which truly baffled me because the only true colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. For instance, green is a combination of cyan and yellow, but green printed fine.

Every color of the rainbow printed fine except for yellow. I had the customer change ink cartridges. I had the customer delete and reinstall the drivers. Nothing worked. I asked my co-workers for help; they offered no new ideas.

After over two hours of troubleshooting, I was about to tell the customer to send the printer in to us for repair when she asked quietly,

"Should I try printing on a piece of white paper instead of this yellow construction paper?"

5 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
7/17/2020 To 7/24/2020
$8.00 won 5 votes

Biology Teacher: Did you know that you have 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body?

Little Johnny: No wonder I have tired blood.

5 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
7/17/2020 To 7/24/2020
$7.00 won 4 votes

The manager of a touring theatrical company emailed the owner of the theater in a small town where his company was due to appear.

"Would like to hold rehearsal next Monday afternoon at three. Have your stage manager, carpenter, property man, electrician, and all stage hands present at that hour."

A few seconds later he received the following reply: "All right. He'll be there."

4 votes