Past Winners

6/23/2017 To 6/30/2017
$6.00 won 2 votes

Q; What are the first 3 words the Giant said to Jack?
A: Fee-Fye-Fo

Q: What are the first 4 words the Giant said to Jack?
A: Fee-Fye-Fo-Fum

Q: What are the answers to both questions, combined?
A: Fee-Fye-Fo-Fee-Fye-Fo-Fum

Q: What do you have?
A: Mike Tyson's telephone number

2 votes

posted by "Tomaso" |
6/23/2017 To 6/30/2017
$5.00 won 2 votes

My wife and I have very different body clocks. At sundown she is practically ready for bed. I, meanwhile, am a night owl.

Recently, after a long, hard workday, I announced around 8 p.m. that I was exhausted and ready to hit the sack. Suddenly my wife nearly leapt into my arms.

"Oh, honey," she purred into my ear, "I just love it when you talk early to me."

2 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
6/16/2017 To 6/23/2017
$50.00 won 7 votes

My sister is a know-it-all who bristles at anyone’s well-intentioned advice. But when our older sister gave her several clever tips, she was impressed.

"I have to hand it to Pat," she told me. "She really is smart. Not Jeopardy smart, more like Wheel of Fortune smart."

7 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "sravanthi" |
6/16/2017 To 6/23/2017
$25.00 won 6 votes

Since I am a busy mom of four, I rely on my children to help me out with everyday chores around the house. One morning I was running around trying to get the children and myself ready, when I suddenly realized it was trash pickup day. So I handed a bag of garbage to my sleepy seven-year-old son and told him to toss it in the trash bin on his way out the door.

Glancing out my window moments later, I saw him wearily boarding the bus. He was carrying his backpack, his lunchbox, and a big white bag of garbage.

6 votes

posted by "stee" |