Past Winners

6/9/2017 To 6/16/2017
$10.00 won 26 votes

A soldier serving overseas far from home was annoyed and upset when his girl wrote to break off their engagement and ask for her photograph back.

He went out and collected from his friends all the unwanted photographs of women that he could find, bundled them all together, and sent them back with a note saying, “I regret that I cannot remember which one you are. Please keep your photo and return the others.”

26 votes

CATEGORY Military Jokes
posted by "Mounika" |
6/9/2017 To 6/16/2017
$9.00 won 8 votes

Why did the elevator go to the doctor?

Because it was coming down with something.

8 votes

posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |
6/9/2017 To 6/16/2017
$8.00 won 13 votes

Teacher: What is an island?

Student : A piece of land surrounded by water except on one side.

Teacher : On one side?

Student : Yes, on top!

13 votes

posted by "Goel" |
6/9/2017 To 6/16/2017
$7.00 won 6 votes

Wife: “Why don’t you tell your friend that the girl he is getting married to is not apt for him?”

Husband: “Leave it. I am not going to say anything.”

Wife: “Why not? After all, he is your friend!”

Husband: “He didn’t tell me anything when I was getting married.”

6 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Kyoto" |