Past Winners

5/19/2017 To 5/26/2017
$15.00 won 13 votes

Where did the kangaroo go to get its eyesight checked?

To a hop-tician!

13 votes

posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |
5/19/2017 To 5/26/2017
$12.00 won 7 votes

A husband and wife are sitting on the couch. After a long day at work, they are both just resting and relaxing as they watch a tv show.

Husband: "I am feeling thirsty. Can you please get me some water?"

Wife: "Shall I also get you some pizza as well?"

Husband: "Oh wow! That‘d be great, my mouth is already watering."

Wife: "Good, that means you don't need the water anymore then."

7 votes

posted by "Kyoto" |
5/19/2017 To 5/26/2017
$10.00 won 7 votes

I’m at the library, and for some reason, when I plug my flash drive into the computer, it doesn’t show up. I keep trying, but nothing happens.

As an IT major, I know I can figure this out. So I spend 15 minutes changing settings and inserting and removing the flash drive.

Then a girl sitting next to me taps my shoulder and says, “You’re plugging into my computer, not yours.”

7 votes

posted by "sravanthi" |
5/19/2017 To 5/26/2017
$9.00 won 9 votes

I was in a couple’s home trying to fix their Internet connection. The husband called out to his wife in the other room for the computer password. “Start with a capital S, then 123,” she shouted back.

We tried S123 several times, but it didn’t work. So we called the wife in. As she input the password, she muttered, “I really don’t know what’s so difficult about typing Start123.”

9 votes

CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "srg" |