Past Winners

4/28/2017 To 5/5/2017
$10.00 won 5 votes

When a rattlesnake got loose in the second-floor hall of the science building at my university, it created quite a furor. Fortunately, one of the professors was an expert on snakes.

An agitated student ran to fetch him, urging him to come quickly, as a dangerous snake was loose and terrorizing everyone in the building.

The professor leisurely strolled out into the hall, examined the snake from head to tail, and calmly returned to his office. “It’s not one of mine,” he said, and closed the door.

5 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "stee" |
4/28/2017 To 5/5/2017
$9.00 won 5 votes

As my sister relaxed on the couch, her head comfortably leaning against the crook of her husband’s arm, her cell phone beeped.

She looked at her phone. It was a text message from her husband.

The message: "Please Move."

5 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Mary" |
4/28/2017 To 5/5/2017
$8.00 won 3 votes

Did you know that "dammit i'm mad" spelled backwards is "dammit I'm mad"?

3 votes

posted by "shopin55" |
4/28/2017 To 5/5/2017
$7.00 won 3 votes

I was choking on carrots and all I could think of was, "I bet a donut wouldn't have done this to me!"

3 votes

posted by "barber7796" |