Past Winners

1/19/2017 To 1/26/2017
$10.00 won 9 votes

John: Ants really work hard. They work and work and never play.

Peter: Then how come every time I go for a picnic, THERE they are?

9 votes

posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |
1/19/2017 To 1/26/2017
$9.00 won 5 votes

A man went to New York on a business trip. When the trip was over, he took a cab to get to the airport. The cab driver decided to have a little fun at the man's expense, so he asked, "My mother had three kids, one was my brother, one was my sister, who was the third?"

The passenger had no idea. The driver replied, "The third one was ME!"

The man went home to his wife and said to her, "Hey honey, here's a riddle for you. My mother had three kids, one was my brother, one was my sister, who was the third one?"

His wife was stumped and said, "I don't know, who?"

The man responded, "Believe it or not, some cab driver in New York."

5 votes

posted by "Leibel" |
1/19/2017 To 1/26/2017
$8.00 won 11 votes

As I was waiting in the Doctor's office the day after Christmas I accidentally overheard a conversation between the desk employee and another patient on the phone.

Employee: "Ma'am the Doctor's office will be closed for the next few days due to the snow storm headed into town. Would you please choose a date to reschedule? Would sometime next week be fine?

I could hear the patient on the phone getting upset and not wanting to change her appointment.

Trying to be as polite as he could, the employee began again: "But ma'am when you show up this week for your appointment no one will be here because of the snow storm."

I then heard yelling from the woman on the line before she abruptly hung up. The employee shook his head in disbelief. Trying to make his day a little better I said, "You would think after Christmas people would have a better attitude."

Employee: "She's more Halloween than Christmas!"

11 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "Laugh and Enjoy Life" |
1/19/2017 To 1/26/2017
$7.00 won 6 votes

Last year i was approved to join a location procrastination club...

We have not met yet.

6 votes

posted by "shopin55" |