Best Jokes

2 votes

At a dinner party, one of the guests, an obnoxiously loud young man, tried to make clever remarks about everyone and everything.

When he was served a piece of meat, he picked it up with his fork, held it up and smirked: "Is this pig?"

Another guest, sitting opposite, asked quietly, "Which end of the fork are you referring to?"

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
2 votes

They really should stock ATM’s better.

I went to 5 different ones today and they all said insufficient funds.

2 votes

CATEGORY Money Jokes
posted by "Egbert" |
$25.00 won 2 votes

Within a year, our Young Couples Department at church had grown from one class of eight active couples to four classes with 56 active couples!

On Baby Dedication Sunday that year, we had 19 babies!

Our Pastor was so excited. He stood in the pulpit that Sunday with 19 babies and their parents facing him. He wanted to brag on these couples and the great job that they had done growing this Young Couples Department. However, here's what he actually said, "Just look at ALL these babies! Folks, this just goes to show what our young couples have been doing!!!"

The laughter started and continued for several minutes. Every time the pastor tried to say something, the laughter would begin again. Finally, the red-faced pastor added, "For which we are grateful."

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
2 votes

My New Years resolution is to start reading more...

So I enabled the subtitles on my TV.

2 votes

posted by "Glen Rae" |