Best Jokes

2 votes

The General Services Administration has experts who actually visit different agencies and suggest ways to streamline their day-to-day routines.

One such expert visited the Federal Communications Commission and suggested that they get rid of the clutter. He suggested, as a start, that they throw out all correspondence over ten years old.

The FCC director loved the idea and replied, "Good thought. But first, we'll have to make three copies of everything."

2 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
2 votes

Sometimes I wake up grumpy...

Other times I let him sleep.

2 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
2 votes

Have you ever noticed that sibling toddlers converse with one another in what I call their 'mother tongue'. They can understand one another, and only they can understand one another.

If you were one of these siblings and wish to revisit your mother tongue, take it from me, about ten shots of tequila ought to do it.

2 votes

posted by "Marty" |
2 votes

A lawyer called his client but their young son answered the phone, whispering "Hello?"

The lawyer asked if the boy's parents were home and the boy replied in a whisper, "Yes, but they can't come to the phone, they're very, very busy." A bit frustrated the lawyer asked if anyone else was home, to which the boy replied in a whisper, "Yes, my brothers are home, my sisters are home..."

The lawyer asked the young boy to put one of them on the phone, to which the boy replied in a whisper, "They can't come to the phone, they're very, very busy." Now very frustrated the lawyer asked if anyone else was home, to which the boy replied in a whisper, "Yes, my aunts are here, my uncles are here..."

The lawyer asked the young boy to put one of them on the phone, to which the boy replied in a whisper, "They can't come to the phone, they're very, very busy." Now completely frustrated the lawyer screams, "What are what are they all doing?"

The boy replied in a whisper, "They're looking for me".

2 votes

CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Dana" |