Best Jokes

$10.00 won 7 votes

1st Person: "Do you know anything about this fax-machine?" 

2nd Person: "A little. Whats wrong?" 

1st Person: "Well, I sent a fax, and the recipient called back to say all she received was a cover-sheet and a blank page. I tried it again, and the same thing happened." 

2nd Person: "How did you load the sheet?"

1st Person: "Its a pretty sensitive memo, and I didn't want anyone else to read it by accident, so I folded it so only the recipient could open it and read it."

7 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Benjones" |
$5.00 won 7 votes

It was a sunny morning and I found a pretty red rose with a long stem on the kitchen table.

I was wondering how after all these years of marriage, my husband could still be so romantic There was a small love note placed next to it.

It read – “Darling, please DO NOT touch the rose. I am using it’s stem to unclog the drain.”

7 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "albertreo" |
$10.00 won 7 votes

Upon receiving her manuscript with a rejection letter back from a major publishing company, the author sent a letter to the editor.

"Sir," she began, "you sent back a story of mine. I know that you did not read the story, for as a test I pasted together pages 18,19,20 and 21. My story came back with these pages still stuck together. I know you are a fraud and turned down the manuscript without reading them."

The editor replied: "Madam, at breakfast when I open an egg I don't have to eat the whole egg to discover it is bad."

7 votes

posted by "barber7796" |
7 votes

Over a drink on evening the discussion turned to length of hair...

Mr. Jones: "Don't you think long hair on a man makes him look intellectual?"

Mr. Smith: "That depends. My wife found a long hair on my coat sleeve yesterday."

7 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "shirley Mc" |