Best Jokes

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One summer, many years ago, there was a Key Club "Farm Boy/City Boy Exchange" program. The city boy from a Chicago suburb spent several days in southern Illinois on a farm with the farm boy and his family.

This was a working dairy farm, so there were plenty of cows which had to be milked at least twice a day. The city boy returned home and was invited to lunch at the local Kiwanis Club which had sponsored the exchange program. The city boy gave a short presentation about his week on the dairy farm One club member asked the city boy how he liked milking all those cows.

The whole club listened carefully and erupted with laughter when the boy unknowingly said. "Well it was good at first, but it sure got teatious, I mean tedious, after awhile."

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posted by "Gingy " |
0 votes

A man entered a diner and ordered a large bowl of soup. A big horse fly then flew into the bowl. The startled man saw the fly, then retorted to the waiter. "Look at this bowl, what do you see? A horse fly right? What is it doing in my soup?"

The waiter, not sure how to reply, said, "I'm not sure, but it looks like the backstroke to me."

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posted by "Mstuffy" |
0 votes

One skeleton says to the other your a nobody.

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posted by "Jonathan Alan Miller" |
0 votes

If you are offered a penny for your thoughts and you give your two cents worth, where does the other penny go?

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posted by "Bumpa Hennigar" |