Latest Jokes

1 votes

Two elderly women had been friends for over forty years. Each one was losing their hearing. Minnie asked, "Are you going to be home today?"

"Yes, as far as I know," replied her friend, Adie.

"Good I have a gift for you."

"Esther Price?" Adie asked.

Knowing Minnie loved Esther Price candy, she assumed the gift was candy. As the day wore on, Minnie finally arrived with a book on Smoothies. Adie was confused. "I didn't know Esther Price sold books?"

"They don't."

"But this morning you said they did."

"Oh, I thought you said, 'That's nice.'"

1 votes

CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Janice Marler" |
3 votes

NEW!!! In Safeway Stores Everywhere... Google brand cell phones in a can!

You can find them in aisle '6' next to the latest I-Phone '7'.

'Generic' SD Memory Cards can be found in the 'pharmacy'.

Phone 'chargers' can be found, where else, but in 'Automotive' Department.

To Activate: Read directions carefully on cell phone can. When Google wrote the activation directions, he must have temporarily lost his own 'memory card'. So directions may be quite erratic and hard to follow. Good luck!

3 votes

posted by "LRoss" |
$5.00 won 7 votes

I have determined that there are two important lessons in life...

I can't remember the first, BUT THE SECOND is to write everything down!

7 votes

posted by "shopin55" |
3 votes

In high school, two boys, two friends (one Spanish and one American), were talking about the grades they received in their classes.

American boy: "You got an F in Spanish! How could that happen? Spanish is what you speak at home and stuff."

Spanish boy: "Probably the same way you got an F in English."

3 votes

CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |