Latest Jokes

4 votes

The teacher asked her students which state they thought has the most cows. A little girl raised her hand and said Texas.

The teacher said, "That is right, you get an 'A'. Now which state do you think has the most sheep?"

A little boy raised his hand and said Montana. The teacher said, "That's right, you get an 'A'. Who can tell me which state has the most turkeys?"

Little Johnny raised his hand and said, that's easy, "Washington D.C.!"

The teacher gave him an A+.

4 votes

posted by "Marty" |
1 votes

Husband: Tell me what you'd like for your birthday.

Wife: Frankly, I'd like a divorce.

Husband: Yikes! I wasn't planning on spending that much!

1 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
$15.00 won 12 votes

An anesthesiologist has a stock answer to the usual question asked by pre-surgical patients:

“How much will the anesthesia cost?”

“Oh, about $100.00. $1.00 to go to sleep and $99.00 for waking up. Most patients buy the whole package.”

12 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "mickey" |
0 votes

Son: Dad, will you remember me in 5 years?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 1 year?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 6 months?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 1 month?
Dad: Yes

Son 1 week?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 5 days?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 5 hours?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 1 hour?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 30 minutes?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 1 minute?
Dad: Yes.

Son: 1 second?
Dad: Yes.

Son: Knock Knock
Dad: Who's there?
Son: See, you forgot me already!!!

0 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |