Latest Jokes

2 votes

Q: What's the funniest joke ever?

A: Chris Benson

2 votes

posted by "B Brindza" |
1 votes

***Punny News Headlines***

Metal fans keep cool at concert...
Limbo dancers reach new low....
Lawyer loses his case- Finds it in Car....
Cellmates complete each other sentences...
Global explorer finds himself....
Missing link found online....

1 votes

posted by "B Brindza" |
0 votes

A man with stutter went to a restaurant for dinner and ordered a steak, the waitress came with a salt cracker and asked, "Would you like some salt, sir?". The man replied "Ye..yes, p...p...please add...". The waitress cracks some salt onto the man's steak while the man persisted "...add...add...add...". Salt quickly piled up the steak like a tiny mountain, but the man would not stop insisting on adding more. Just when the waitress was about to stop and question, the stuttered man finally shouts out "...add...add...add just a little bit!!".

0 votes

posted by "Joseph C" |
1 votes

And the Lord said to John "Come forth, and you will receive an eternal life"

But John came fifth and won a toaster.

1 votes

posted by "Leogal" |