Latest Jokes

2 votes

Ralph was towing his boat home from a fishing trip in Jamaica Bay when his car broke down. He didn't have his cell phone with him, but he thought maybe he might be able to raise someone on his marine radio to call for roadside assistance. He climbed into his boat, clicked on the radio and said, "Mayday, mayday."

A Coast Guard officer came on and said, "State your location."

"I-95, two miles south of Cranston."

After a very long pause, the officer asked, "How fast were you going when you reached shore?"

2 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
2 votes

If you love something, set it free.

If it comes back, it will always be yours.

If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with.

But, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you had set it free... You either married it or gave birth to it.

2 votes

posted by "Merkv814" |
4 votes

I called the pharmacist to get a prescription refill. After leaving a message on their answering machine they called me back.

The nice young lady from the pharmacy explained they needed the prescription number off the pill container because they didn't understand the medication dosage I'd described.

She looked it up and said she'd found the problem. It was 20MG Tabs and not 2 OMG tablets.

4 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Marty" |
$7.00 won 4 votes

Sunday School Teacher: Okay class... who can tell me what are some different names used when talking about God?

Boy: Hallowed!

Sunday School Teacher: Hallowed? How did you get that as an answer?

Boy: It’s in the Lord’s Prayer: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name....

4 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |