Latest Jokes

$9.00 won 6 votes

Boss (to the new employee): We are very keen on cleanliness. Did you wipe your feet on the mat as you came in?

New employee: Yes, sir.

Boss: We are also keen on truthfulness. There is no mat.

6 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
9 votes

My neighbor just got arrested for growing marijuana.

I guess my property line isn’t where I thought it was.

9 votes

posted by "Chloe2015" |
4 votes

I had always prided myself on being an "on time" person. One morning I overslept and rushed around getting ready for Sunday school. As I ran out the door, my husband tried to say something.

"What?" I called back. "Don't slow me down, I'm late!"

"No you're not," he responded. "It's Saturday."

4 votes

CATEGORY Teacher Jokes
posted by "Merkv814" |
2 votes

In the far distant future, in the year 4527, a number of scientists from all over the universe were having a convention on a far distant galaxy. Two beings were seated next to one another when they struck up a conversation.

"Where are you from?" the one asked.

"I'm from Alpha Century," he answered. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Earth," was the answer.

"I know someone from earth," the Alpha Centurion said. "His name is John Smith. Do you know him?"

2 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |