Latest Jokes

$7.00 won 8 votes

One Sunday after services one of the ladies approached the pastor's wife and commented, "What nice buttons you have sewed onto your sons jacket. My husband once had some like that on his suit."

The pastor's wife replies, "Why thank you for the complement. I get all my buttons out of the collection plate."

8 votes

posted by "maryjones" |
$9.00 won 7 votes

A couple returning from their honeymoon was in a deep discussion about people and their actions. John, the husband indicated: "I have always maintained that no two people on earth think alike."

Mary, his loving new bride commented: "You'll change your mind when you look over our wedding presents."

7 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |
6 votes

What did the nut say when it sneezed?


6 votes

posted by "kathyhill" |
5 votes

Sally was telling her sister Jane about their sister in law, Candice, was recovering in the hospital following a car accident.

Sally said, "Candice told me that someone up there really loves her."

Jane, scoffing, replied, "No one could even like Candice. It's more like someone up there didn't want her."

5 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Ferdinand Uzi Wang" |