Latest Jokes

8 votes

An early visitor to the local donut shop was explaining, "I love to hear the alarm clock go off. I can't understand people who are annoyed. To me it seems to symbol the symbol of our existence itself. It is a sign that a great city is awaking from its deep slumber, that a new day is beginning, that the streets and buildings will soon be filled with surging progressive life. I love the sound of the alarm clock."

Another patron replied, "My you are the ambitious one. What line of business are you in?"

"I am a night watchman."

8 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Pshark1998" |
$6.00 won 8 votes

Customer: "How much is the hamburger steak?"

Butcher: "$1.98 cents a pound."

Customer: "But at the corner market is is only $0.98 cents a pound."

Butcher: "Then you should go there to buy it."

Customer: "But they are all out of it."

Butcher: " Oh, I see. When we don't have any we sell it for $0.50 cents a pound."

8 votes

posted by "Egbert" |
$10.00 won 9 votes

Chauffeur: "All this talk about back-seat drivers is a bunch of nothing. I've driven a car for over ten years and have never heard a word from behind.

Cabby: "What type car do you drive?"

Chauffeur: "A Hearse."

9 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Egbert" |
4 votes

The doctor took Dan into the room and said, "Dan, I have some good news and some bad news."

Dan said, "Give me the good news first."

"They're going to name a disease after you."

4 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Retired Terp" |