Latest Jokes

$50.00 won 8 votes

Because of a minor infraction, a sailor aboard Navy ship bound for Japan, was busted one rank, fined, and given extra duty for three weeks. Looking forward to celebrating his 21st birthday on July 22, he consoled himself every night during his extra duty by reciting, "They can bust me, they can fine me -- but they can't take away my birthday."

As July 22 approached, his excitement increased. When he went to bed on July 21, he happily repeated, "They can bust me, they can fine me -- but they can't take away my birthday."

The next morning, he found out that the ship had crossed the international date line -- and it was July 23.

8 votes

CATEGORY Military Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |
4 votes

A lady came to an IT shop and asked the shop assistant, “Do you have Bark-code equipment?”

The shop assistant was confused and answered, “Madam, you probably mean a Bar-code reader, don't you?”

The lady said, “No, I want to understand why my dog is barking at me!”

4 votes

posted by "TomasK" |
$25.00 won 7 votes

Man wakes up and says nothing. Wife annoyed shouts, “You’ve forgotten what day it is haven’t you!”

Man goes to work and confides to a colleague, “I think I forgot my wife’s birthday.”

“Not a problem,” the colleague replies, "just go out and buy her a beautiful new dress and a pearl necklace.”

After work the man races home and showers his wife with gifts.

“Oh darling,” she replies, “what a beautiful new outfit to pick my mother up from the airport in!”

7 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |
$15.00 won 0 votes

The official glossary to running late...

"On the way..." - Still in bed.

"In the car..." - In the shower.

"GPS says 35 min..." - Getting ready.

"There's traffic..." - Leaving the house.

"Parking now..." - 15 minutes out.

"Can't find a spot..." - 5 minutes out.

"Walking in..." - Looking for a spot.

0 votes

posted by "HENNE" |