Past Winners

5/8/2020 To 5/15/2020
$10.00 won 8 votes

Teacher: Clyde, your composition about “My dog” is exactly like your brothers. Did you copy this?

Clyde: No sir. It’s the same dog.

8 votes

CATEGORY Teacher Jokes
posted by "Chloe2015" |
5/8/2020 To 5/15/2020
$9.00 won 7 votes

A couple returning from their honeymoon was in a deep discussion about people and their actions. John, the husband indicated: "I have always maintained that no two people on earth think alike."

Mary, his loving new bride commented: "You'll change your mind when you look over our wedding presents."

7 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |
5/8/2020 To 5/15/2020
$8.00 won 5 votes

A man was walking through the grounds of a university one morning when he noticed a young blind woman struggling with her Guide-Dog. The animal was resolutely pulling in one direction, she in another.

When he offered assistance, the woman replied, "No thanks, this is a family argument. The dog knows I'm supposed to go to a lecture right now -- but I want to miss it."

5 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
5/8/2020 To 5/15/2020
$7.00 won 6 votes

Principal: "Johnny, no running in school. Now, just why are you in such a hurry?"

Little Johnny (out of breath): "Sir, I'm trying to keep two fellows from fighting!"

Principal: "Who are those fellows?"

Little Johnny: "Billy Jones and myself!"

6 votes

posted by "barber7796" |