Past Winners

1/23/2020 To 1/30/2020
$8.00 won 6 votes

Seeing her friend Marcia wearing a new locket, Ashley asks if there is a memento of some sort inside.

“Yes,” says Marcia, “a lock of my husband’s hair.”

“But Larry’s still alive?”

“I know, but his hair is gone.”

6 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "S.Sovetts" |
1/23/2020 To 1/30/2020
$7.00 won 6 votes

I had been in heaven as an Apprentice Angel for about three months and was enjoying my stay. The day came when I was called to visit God.

GOD: "You are about to get your wings."

ME: "Lemon pepper or barbeque?"

GOD: "Get out... just go..."

6 votes

posted by "Retired Terp" |
1/23/2020 To 1/30/2020
$6.00 won 7 votes

Whoever stole my anti depressants...

I hope you’re happy now!

7 votes

posted by "Danny Jackson" |
1/23/2020 To 1/30/2020
$5.00 won 4 votes

How much does Santa pay to park his sleigh?


It’s on the house.

4 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "Gegg Smith" |