Past Winners

4/5/2019 To 4/12/2019
$7.00 won 5 votes

A 55 year old man who was born on May 5, has been married 5 years, has 5 children, makes $55,555.55 a year, trusts the number 5.

One day a friend informs the man that a horse named Lucky 5 will be running in the fifth race at the local track that evening. Excitedly, the man withdraws 5,555.00 cash from his bank account, goes to the races and bets on Lucky 5.

Sure enough, the horse comes in fifth.

5 votes

posted by "outward" |
4/5/2019 To 4/12/2019
$6.00 won 3 votes

What kind of fuel does the king use in his castle?

He always uses one of the noble gases.

3 votes

posted by "Jim Shaw" |
4/5/2019 To 4/12/2019
$5.00 won 3 votes

A women is getting lunch ready when the phone rings.

"This is the middle school calling about your son Johnny. He's been caught telling unbelievable lies."

"I'll say he has," the woman replies, "I don't have a son."

3 votes

CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "S.Sovetts" |
3/29/2019 To 4/5/2019
$50.00 won 10 votes

One of my employees who was deeply involved in finishing a report for the upcoming board meeting received a call from his wife that had good news and bad news.

Because of the deadline he asked if she could just give him the good news. The wife replied "Okay, the good news is that the air bags work."

10 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "barber7796" |