Past Winners

11/22/2018 To 11/29/2018
$6.00 won 2 votes

An alcoholic wakes up in jail. He asks the first police officer he sees, "Why am I here?"

"For drinking," replies the officer.

"Great," says the man, "when do we start?"

2 votes

posted by "Adie Peter" |
11/22/2018 To 11/29/2018
$5.00 won 3 votes

I wish working out was like taxes...

You suck it up, do it once...

And then you’re good for a year!

3 votes

posted by "Melissa Richelle " |
11/15/2018 To 11/22/2018
$50.00 won 9 votes

Sometimes I like my steak under cooked...

But that's rare.

9 votes

posted by "Narvon7" |
11/15/2018 To 11/22/2018
$25.00 won 7 votes

Why does a room full of married people look so empty?

Because there's not a single person in it.

7 votes

posted by "barber7796" |