Past Winners

12/6/2018 To 12/13/2018
$10.00 won 4 votes

An atom loses an electron…

It says, “Man, I really gotta keep an ion them!”

4 votes

posted by "Adie Peter" |
12/6/2018 To 12/13/2018
$9.00 won 4 votes

The mother of three notoriously unruly youngsters was asked whether or not she'd have children if she had it to do over again.

"Sure," she replied, "but not the same ones."

4 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
12/6/2018 To 12/13/2018
$8.00 won 2 votes

Two women were shopping. When they started to discuss their home lives, one said, "Seems like all my boyfriend and I do anymore is fight. I've been so upset I've lost 20 pounds in two weeks."

"Why don't you just leave him then?" asked her friend.

"Not yet," the first replied, "I like to lose at least another 10 to 15 pounds first."

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
12/6/2018 To 12/13/2018
$7.00 won 4 votes

Q: Why did the can crusher quit his job?

A: Because it was soda pressing.

4 votes

CATEGORY Office Jokes
posted by "kellymario" |