Past Winners

12/13/2018 To 12/20/2018
$15.00 won 6 votes

Just before Santa took off for his annual around the world trip, Mrs. Claus looked out the window and commented...

"It looks like rain-dear!"

6 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |
12/13/2018 To 12/20/2018
$12.00 won 4 votes

I found a method that I can drop an egg from 6 feet and have it not break...

Drop it from 7 feet! (It won't break those first 6 feet!)

4 votes

CATEGORY Science Jokes
posted by "Egbert" |
12/13/2018 To 12/20/2018
$10.00 won 4 votes

My doctor was giving me a hard time about my health. To get back on his good side I bought a puppy and named him 'Five Miles'.

That way, when I went to see my doctor I could tell him, "I walk five miles every morning!"

4 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "danmug" |
12/13/2018 To 12/20/2018
$9.00 won 2 votes

There is a guy who has a dog that doesn't obey him. He gets a recommendation for a great dog trainer and decides to go there. The dog owner walks in the room and asks, "Can you train my dog?"

The trainer replies, "Well, I can train your dog, and I will give you a quick demonstration of how I work."

He dumps a box full of bones on the floor and blows a whistle. A dog comes in and makes a skeleton with the bones.

"Wow!" says the dog owner, "What kind of dog is that?"

"That's a nurse's dog," responds the trainer.

Then he blows the whistle again and a second dog comes in the room. That dog makes a big building.

The dog owner says, "Wow! What kind of dog is that?"

"That's an architect's dog," replies the trainer.

Then the trainer blows the whistle again and a third dog comes in. That dog takes all the bones and runs away.

"What kind of dog is that?" says the dog owner.

"That's a lawyer's dog."

2 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |