Past Winners

12/27/2018 To 1/3/2019
$15.00 won 5 votes

I moved into a new neighborhood and put up an electric fence.

The next morning i found out my neighbor was dead against it.

5 votes

posted by "Benjones" |
12/27/2018 To 1/3/2019
$12.00 won 4 votes

My son thinks I set the bar too high for him as a child.

It seems like he never got over it.

4 votes

posted by "Egbert" |
12/27/2018 To 1/3/2019
$10.00 won 3 votes

Q: What does a ghost call his mom and dad?

A: His transparents.

3 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "Adie Peter" |
12/27/2018 To 1/3/2019
$9.00 won 4 votes

What is the least spoken language in the world?

Sign language.

4 votes

CATEGORY College Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |