Past Winners

1/10/2019 To 1/17/2019
$15.00 won 6 votes

I set aside a dollar every time a woman found me unattractive...

Now they are starting to find me attractive...

6 votes

posted by "Egbert" |
1/10/2019 To 1/17/2019
$12.00 won 6 votes

A local barber in my area just got arrested for selling drugs...

Blew my mind, I've been his customer for years and had no idea he was a barber!

6 votes

posted by "Adie Peter" |
1/10/2019 To 1/17/2019
$10.00 won 4 votes

One week our preacher preached on commitment, and how we should dedicate ourselves to service. The director then led the choir in singing, 'I Shall Not Be Moved.'

The next Sunday, the preacher preached on giving and how we should gladly give to the work of the Lord. The choir director then led the song, 'Jesus Paid It All.'

The next Sunday, the preacher preached on gossiping and how we should watch our tongues. The hymn was 'I Love To Tell The Story.'

The preacher became disgusted over the situation, and the next Sunday he told the congregation he was considering resigning. The choir then sang 'Oh, Why Not Tonight.'

When the preacher resigned the next week, he told the church that Jesus had led him there and Jesus was taking him away. The choir then sang, 'What A Friend We Have in Jesus.'

4 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
1/10/2019 To 1/17/2019
$9.00 won 3 votes

Two young lady friends hadn't seen each other in a long time and decided to meet for lunch. Their conversation got around to their respective love lives.

Marcy confessed there really wasn't anyone in her life at the moment. Heather started smiling like crazy when talking about her new beau. "He's perfect. He's so sweet. Then last night he said those four little words I've been waiting to hear."

"What? He asked you to marry him?" Marcy asked.

Heather said, "No, he said 'put your money away.'"

3 votes

CATEGORY Money Jokes
posted by "Dansei59" |