Past Winners

12/27/2018 To 1/3/2019
$8.00 won 7 votes

One morning a local highway department crew reaches their job site and realizes they have forgotten all their shovels.

The crew's foreman calls the office and tells his supervisor the situation.

The supervisor says, "Don't worry, we'll send some shovels... just lean on each other until they arrive."

7 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
12/27/2018 To 1/3/2019
$7.00 won 4 votes

Do you know what would happen if Satan lost all of his hair?

There would be HELL TOUPEE!

4 votes

posted by "Rolley Marvel" |
12/27/2018 To 1/3/2019
$6.00 won 2 votes

Figuring that her 4 year old son Kevin was listening in the next room, Janet decided to tell her husband Don the latest Christmas gift she had bought the boy by spelling out the words "fire truck".

Don nodded and said, "I think it would be a great Christmas gift."

From the other side of the wall, they heard Kevin yell, "I don't want letters for Christmas!"

2 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
12/27/2018 To 1/3/2019
$5.00 won 4 votes

Be TRUE to your teeth...

Or they will be FALSE to you!

4 votes

CATEGORY Dentist Jokes
posted by "Wisdom" |