Best Jokes

1 votes

I went to my Doctor and he suggested I do some exercises. Here is my new regiment...

1. Jump to conclusions
2. Climb the walls
3. Drag my heels
4. Push my luck
5. Make mountains out of molehills
6. Bend over backwards
7. Run in circles
8. Put my foot in my mouth

1 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "iamacutie" |
1 votes

Interviewer: "Why did you leave your last job?"

Candidate: "There was a relocation."

Interviewer: "You moved?"

Candidate: "No, my company did. They just didn’t tell me where to."

1 votes

posted by "Nwosu Franklin" |
1 votes

What name might you give your mother's sister who always has a sour disposition?

Aunt Acid.

1 votes

posted by "Jim Shaw" |
1 votes

John: I hear your having trouble at the office.

Fred: Yes! The Director thinks the bookkeeper has been embezzling money.

John: What brought him to that conclusion?

Fred: The auditor found an account marked "Accounts Deceivable".

1 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Douglas" |