Best Jokes

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When author John Milton got married he wrote "Paradise Lost".

After the marriage ended.... he wrote "Paradise Found".

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posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
0 votes

Yo' mama so stupid, she walked into an antique shop and asked, "What's new?"

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CATEGORY Yo Momma Jokes
posted by "Savannah" |
0 votes

A neighbor asked his friend, who was celebrating 50 years of marriage, what the secret was to a long and happy marriage?

His friend replied, "When we were first married, we vowed to go out twice a week no matter how little money we had and we have done so for 50 years."

"Twice a week, you say?"

"Yeah. She goes out on Tuesday and I go out on Friday."

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Bumpa Hennigar" |
0 votes

A bodybuilder picks up a woman at a bar and takes her home with him. He takes off his shirt and the woman says "What a great chest you have." The bodybuilder tells her "That's 1000 lbs. of dynamite."

He takes off his pants and the woman says "What massive calves you have", the bodybuilder tells her "That's 1000 lbs. of dynamite".

He then takes off his underwear and the woman goes running and screaming out of the apartment. The bodybuilder puts his clothes back on and chases after her. He finally catches up to her and asks her why she ran out of the apartment.

The woman replies, "I was afraid to be around all that dynamite after I saw what a short fuse you have."

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CATEGORY Pickup Jokes
posted by "Foxie" |