Best Jokes

6 votes

As little Johnny's mother was tucking him in after reading a bedtime story, she made the remark that God made eyes to see, ears to hear, noses to smell, and feet to run.

"I think God got mixed up," said little Johnny.

"Why do you think that?" inquired his mother.

"Because it's the other way around, my nose runs and my feet smell."

6 votes

posted by "Benjones" |
6 votes

Why are ghosts bad at lying?

Because you can see right through them.

6 votes

posted by "darryl Whetung" |
6 votes

What did the time traveler do when he finished his meal and was still hungry?

He went back "four" seconds.

6 votes

posted by "Fogtjas" |
$8.00 won 6 votes

A woman walked past a pet store and looked in and saw a parrot. The parrot said, “Hey lady, you sure are ugly.”

The lady was so upset that she ran inside and told the owner, “If your parrot says that about me again I will tell everyone I know that you are training your parrots to say mean things.”

The owner replied, “I promise you ma'am, my bird will never say those words to you again.”

The next day the lady came into the pet store and the parrot looked at the lady and said, “Hey lady, you know!”

6 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Mike Reed" |