Latest Jokes

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This man walks into the bar with jumper cables wrapped around his neck.

The bartender says, "Sir, I'll serve you, as long as you don't start anything!"

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posted by "little Show" |
0 votes

Did you ever hear of a Jewish Wine?

"I wanna go to Florida!!!"

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CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
2 votes

After completing his annual physical on a patient, the doctor asked if there was anything that was bothering him. Joe replied, "Yeah, my hearing."

The doctor examined Joe's ear and removed some ear wax. He then asked Joe if his hearing was better.

Joe said, "I don't know, the hearing isn't till next Tuesday."

2 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "jim larkin" |
0 votes

During the mating season a whale couple was trying to get a pregnancy started. They were interrupted by a whaling ship that tried to capture them. They resorted to running away and hiding behind a reef but the whaling ship kept looking for them.

The male whale got upset and said "This is too much. We are going to retaliate. I have a plan", he told his mate. "Let's swim under the whaling ship and with our blow holes blow hard and make boat rock. When the sailors fall into the ocean, we can swim up and gobble them up? What do you think?" he asked.

She looked a bit bored and said, "Well, I don't mind the blowing but I won't swallow any seamen."

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posted by "u724011s" |