Past Winners

1/20/2022 To 1/27/2022
$5.00 won 1 votes

He didn't like the casserole, and he didn't like my cake.
He said my biscuits were too hard,
Not like his mother used to make.
I didn't make the coffee right,
He didn't like my stew,
I didn't fold his pants,
The way his mother used to do.
I pondered for an answer, I was looking for a clue.
Then I turned around and smacked him,
Just like his mother used to do.

1 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "S.Sovetts" |
1/13/2022 To 1/20/2022
$50.00 won 5 votes

Why did Novak Djokovic pay for his flight to Australia with a Mastercard?

Because his Visa didn’t work.

5 votes

posted by "Gegg Smith" |
1/13/2022 To 1/20/2022
$25.00 won 4 votes

Someone asked me to name two structures that hold water.

I was like well, damn.

4 votes

posted by "Danny Jackson" |
1/13/2022 To 1/20/2022
$15.00 won 3 votes

While I was working in the men's section of a department store, a woman asked me to help her choose a white dress shirt for her husband.

When I asked about his size, the woman looked stumped at first, then her face brightened. She held up her hands, forming a circle with her forefingers and thumbs.

"I don't know his size," she said, "but my hands fit PERFECTLY around his neck."

3 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "merk" |