Past Winners

2/28/2019 To 3/7/2019
$25.00 won 8 votes

Yo Momma is so dumb...

She was hiding from burglars behind glass doors!

8 votes

CATEGORY Yo Momma Jokes
posted by "Egbert" |
2/28/2019 To 3/7/2019
$15.00 won 8 votes

When your age and waist line intersect...

That's a sign you have reached the first stage of old age!

8 votes

posted by "Benjones" |
2/28/2019 To 3/7/2019
$12.00 won 6 votes

A boy was sitting on a bus and eating one piece of chocolate after the other. A man sat down next to him and said, “Eating so much chocolate isn’t good for you boy.”

The boy answered, “My grandfather died when he was 112 years old.”

The man asked, “Do you think he lived so long because he was eating lots of chocolate?”

The boy answered, “He lived so long because he minded his own business.”

6 votes

posted by "maryjones" |
2/28/2019 To 3/7/2019
$10.00 won 5 votes

"Do you love me with all your heart and soul?" asked Becky on Valentines Day.

"Mmm hmm," replied Dave.

"Do you think I'm the most beautiful girl in the world?"

"Mmm hmm."

"Do you think my lips are like rose petals?"

"Mmm hmm."

"Oh Dave," gushed Becky, "you say the most beautiful things!"

5 votes

posted by "HENNE" |