Past Winners

6/22/2018 To 6/29/2018
$6.00 won 3 votes

If you hear no evil and see no evil...

Then call the TV repairman.

3 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
6/22/2018 To 6/29/2018
$5.00 won 3 votes

At 8 p.m. one night, a pilot who had run out of fuel made an emergency landing at a top secret government base. He was quickly surrounded by security and taken inside to be interrogated. The interrogation was grueling because they wanted to make sure it was an unplanned landing and he was not a spy.

The interrogation lasted all night. At 6 a.m. they refueled his plane and let him go with his promise never to return. Four hours later he returned and landed again. Security met him on the runway. They asked him why he had come back.

"I know I promised never to return but I brought my wife and now you have to tell her where I was all night..."

3 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Douglas" |
6/15/2018 To 6/22/2018
$50.00 won 7 votes

What is a forum?

It's two-um plus two-um.

7 votes

posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |
6/15/2018 To 6/22/2018
$25.00 won 3 votes

On reaching his plane seat a man is surprised to see a parrot strapped in next to him. He asks the stewardess for a coffee where upon the parrot squawks, "And get me a whisky!"

The stewardess, flustered, brings back a whisky for the parrot and forgets the coffee. When this omission is pointed out to her the parrot drains its glass and bawls, "And get me another whisky!"

Quite upset, the girl comes back shaking with another whisky but still no coffee. Unaccustomed to such treatment, the man tries the parrots approach, "I've asked you twice for a coffee. Go and get it now!"

The next moment, both he and the parrot have been wrenched up and thrown out of the emergency exit by two burly stewards. Plunging downwards the parrot turns to him and says, "For someone who can't fly, you complain too much!"

3 votes

posted by "RS" |