Past Winners

7/7/2016 To 7/14/2016
$50.00 won 14 votes

In a psychiatrist's waiting room two patients are having a conversation. One says to the other, "Why are you here?"

The second answers, "I'm Napoleon, so the doctor told me to come here."

The first is curious and asks, "How do you know that you're Napoleon?"

The second responds, "God told me I was."

At this point, a patient on the other side of the room shouts, "NO I DIDN'T!"

14 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "mickey" |
7/7/2016 To 7/14/2016
$25.00 won 11 votes

Pinkie Pinkerton lived in a pink one story house on Pink Street. The walls were pink, the roof was pink, the carpet was pink, the flowers were pink, the pictures were pink, the furniture was pink, the bathroom was pink, her stuff was pink, the yard was pink, even her cat was pink. EVERYTHING was pink. So what color were the stairs in Pinkie Pinkerton's house?

11 votes

7/7/2016 To 7/14/2016
$15.00 won 3 votes

A ragged individual stranded for several months on a small, deserted island one day noticed a bottle lying in the sand with a piece of paper in it.

Rushing to the bottle, he pulled out the cork and with shaking hands pulled out the message.

"Due to lack of maintenance," he read, "we regretfully have found it necessary to cancel your e-mail account."

3 votes

posted by "Leibel" |
7/7/2016 To 7/14/2016
$12.00 won 4 votes

What did the teen tell his doctor upon waking up in the hospital during a thunderstorm?

He thought he was safe from the lightning because he was "grounded".

4 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "MouthDiapers" |